For this month, we will take a look at all things realted to Washington Township. First up is this photo depicting a flood.
The February 18, 1954 issue of The Romeo Observer contained this picture showing "an unseasonal flood during the Sunday and Monday thaws" on Washburn Street in Washington Township. Apparently, the kids who lived on that road had to make a block-long detour in order to get to school during this time.
Given that there were nine families living on that street at that period, it must have been hard.
The main reason why I bring this photograph up is that Cherie Allen - curator at the Greater Washington Area Historical Society - told me that Washburn Street was originally called Washington Street, named after the town and the first President of the United States. Somewhere along the line, it got changed to Washburn.
To discover more about the history of Washington Township, you can contact the Romeo Community Archives at and/or check out the Washington Historical Museum. The latter is open 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the Month from June through November.
Source: The Romeo Observer, February 18, 1954, p.4