Celebrate National Historic Preservation all month long!

Many museums and cultural organizations are now offering virtual online visits. A simple browser search for “virtual museum visits” will provide many results but I’ve compiled a few links from our great State of Michigan. When is the last time you had a chance to visit the DIA or FIA? How about the Michigan History Museum? Now is your chance—you might find a hidden gem!


PBS Video Series “Under the Radar” that explores the fascinating sites of Michigan

Did you know that Romeo was featured in Episode 607?

Flint Institute of Arts online exhibits, educational resources, virtual tours, videos and more

You can also find many fascinating stories discovered in the Archives of Michigan at Michiganology

Become part of the historical record and share the stories of you and your loved ones at StoryCorp Connect

Romeo Community Archives (very) brief video of the Archives

I hope you enjoy the links and don’t forget, Library access to Ancestry.com for home users is available through the end of May.

As always, visit RDL for the latest updates and information, and join the conversation on Facebook.

Stay safe and we hope to see you soon!