RCArchives Celebrates American Archives Month!

Romeo Community Archives

Linda Osborne Cynowa researching her book Images of America: Washington Township

October is American Archives Month, and in honor of that, the Romeo Community Archives is celebrating all month long! It is our goal to increase awareness about the RCArchives, what we do, and how it is beneficial to you and the community. Beginning Monday, October 7, each week we will feature a short video on our blog answering some of the most frequent questions we are asked. 

If you are interested in finding out more or are just curious to see the RCArchives, stop into one of our Open House Tour days. We are located in the lower level of the Romeo District Kezar Library, at 107 Church St.

Tours will be given from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on:
Saturday, October 5th
Saturday, October 19th
Saturday, November 2nd

Meet the Archivist, Julie Oparka, who will be your tour guide, and available to answer any questions you may have. 

Julie Oparka, Archivist

For further information, contact the RCArchives at (586) 690-4890, or the Kezar Library at (586) 752-2583.

We hope to see you soon!